i'm not even going to pretend i understand halloween. i mean, for a lot of people i know it's their favorite holiday (if it's really considered a holiday, i mean i never got the day off from work or school) and i get that. the allure of dressing up as someone else for any reason is a gas, but to have everyone else doing it at the same time, that's wild. and then you've got the candy being handed out from door to door, are you kidding me? this is like a foster kid's fantasy! and as we all got older there may have been this added attraction of something dangerous about to blow in the downtowns, like the festival scene in star trek "return of the archons" episode. all understandable.
but as i've gotten older, and watched my kids grow into this i'm always struck by some of its more sinister nature. and sure, there's a tendency i think to reel from it. i know as i drive by some people's homes this time of year i'm always a little dumbstruck with the thought that i'm surrounded by sociopaths. i know there is a spiritual realm at play here as well. anyway, this is where we live now. and so tonight we'll probably walk around the corner and visit a block party we got invited to. which is a great time to meet some of our new neighbors. also it doesn't hurt that there will be candy.
23 hours ago