Saturday, July 30, 2011

a scouting trip

recently i re-discovered the little inflatable kayak that's been in the trunk of my car. the weather was warm that day and as i gazed down our little bluff staring at the wetlands below, a light bulb appeared atop my head.
we inflated the little boat with a handy cigarette lighter air compressor, which was also in the trunk of my car and set off. the wetlands is a home to many critters including waterfowl beavers and even coyote. on this day though they all seemed rather shy. i let my little guys all take turns rowing about a bit while i held on to a safety line just in case. they're all terrific swimmers but for most of them the kayaking was a new event.

as they paddled all around i gazed across the little channel at my workplace just beyond, and thought "so close. is it possible to row to work one day?" and so as my oldest pushed the boundaries a little further i asked him to try and scout me a route across. "can it be done?" i shouted. "i'm not sure" he replied. looked as though i would have to find out myself. and that is a subject for another entry.
but this day was a fine one indeed. as we strolled back along the trail picking berries along the way i marveled to myself on the sweet and simple joys of summer and making the most of what we have around us.

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