Saturday, June 11, 2011

geek snobbery

saw this bloke sitting near a seaside wall with this contraption on our last visit down to sf. i watched him pull all the bits out of his beater chevy astro van that had been given a rattle-can black paint job. inside it looked like a film camera grip's car with all kinds of shelves and cubbies to store things. he then proceeded to set up his odd rig when this shot was taken. i have to admit i was a bit curious as to how it all was going to work.
and as i stood there quietly watching him work, he stops what he's doing, turns to me and says "this takes a lot of concentration and i really don't want anybody staring at me while i work. so can you please leave?" now i'm generally obliging but for some reason this really ticked me off. i thought to myself "are you kidding me? you drive up in your burning man van and start pulling out all kinds of equipment to set up your sun powered whatsit in the middle of one of the most lively places in san francisco like some street performer, and then you've got the nerve to ask me to LEAVE?!"
i had to really contain myself for all the vitriol that was building up inside. i mean it's not like he was in his backyard and i lived next door to young mr. edison and popped my head over for a peek before getting shooed off. he was outdoors in a public space! but i smiled and slowly turned away begrudgingly as if i had been kicked out of the public park by another citizen, which in a sense i had. ah well, i could have stayed and just said "no, i don't think so. i was here first. but i didn't want to be that guy. so if you ever see this delicate genius, be forewarned.

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