Saturday, April 09, 2011

philately have i loved

one of my sons recently developed a new interest for collecting stamps. he checked a book out from the library and has since immersed himself in procuring and studying these little works of art. he even pestered me enough to go digging for a few old canceled examples i'd kept in an envelope. i was never really a stamp bug. comic books was my career in collection. i can see the draw though. the art and design. the international flavors. the romance of travel. politics and history, science and economics, sure sure, it's all there.
sadly i think though that it is a dying passion. we're into the second decade of the 21st century now and how much magic is really left in this old pastime? and though we can now communicate across oceans with each other instantly i don't think we are better for it. life was what used to happen while you waited for replies. the news from a loved one, the encouragement that weighed against our doubts as days passed waiting for a letter. isn't there so much more to say in those spaces?
i used to take great pleasure in buying stamps at the post office, like finding something that would express to the world who i was as they moved silently, even unnoticed in that corner of an envelope. they were there. and sometimes i might even pick out and save one for a special friend in hopes that they would see my secret message and smile. little bits of currency and art from my hand to yours.


RLee said...

ya, but you can still mail letters. one day soon we just won't have that option. ha! then we'll be collecting letters!!!

Matthew said...

I think its better to have instant communication rather then days to weeks at a time. But you know me. :D