Monday, May 17, 2010

let's play doctor

i found this at the salvation army store recently. at first look i thought it was an old golden book of which we have a growing collection. but as i looked a little closer i found it to be a "treasure" book instead. i'd never heard of this seemingly blatant ripoff company and was amused at how closely they resemble the goldens. with a red binding instead of the golden and titles like "the brave little duck", "the engine that laughed" and "let's take a ride" i can't figure out how i'd never heard of these.
but it's this title "let's play nurse and doctor" that caught my attention. it starts off innocently enough with the boy and girl watching the rain fall outside their window and wondering what to do on a day like this. the rest you'll have to check out for yourself. so if you'd like to see doctor dick and nurse nora at play just click here to download this steamy tale. (i know i'm bringing my copy with me on my upcoming getaway with my wife, aw yeah)

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