Wednesday, April 28, 2010


outside our door is a hill that looks down to a walking path and wetlands area. it is a fantastic view and i am grateful for where i live each time i gaze at it. to the northwest i can see the sutter buttes (most of them, as some are now obscured by a giant indian casino) to the east we see beautiful sunrises each morning and sometimes rolling thunderstorms moving into the foothills of the sierras. and in between we look out over our little neighborhood.

the grass on the hills has been green and tall because of all the rain we have had this season and yesterday when i walked outside there were hundreds of sheep all over the hillside and down on the path! apparently our local fire department contracted a sheep rancher to help with natural fire abatement by grazing his flock for a few days. the result is we are transported to another world. everywhere there is baaing and bleating in pitches high and low, a chorus of those little tin cans turned upside down. it really makes me wish i was a shepherd...

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