Saturday, December 26, 2009

the loot

when i was a kid i'd always call my best friend on Christmas day and we'd go over the Christmas haul on the phone. "atari 2600? no way!"
so in that spirit i want to share a few little items that have recently found their way into my possession. my father and mother in-law moved out of town this week and dad found some things he thought i might like to have. it's a veritable a/v treasure trove.
an old revere eight projector with a canister of films including mickey mouse and woody woodpecker cartoons along with some historical family vacation footage. a couple of slide projectors including a really ancient one pictured here that handles a two slide insert. a vintage 70's polaroid camera with an unopened box of 108 film (which is probably dust now) and a few boxes
of records including a great box of rock and roll 45's.
needless to say i have many hours ahead trying to figure out all of this old technology and having fun along the way. and in coming weeks i'll be sharing some of what i find with you. so a very merry Christmas. i hope everyone else got what they wanted too.

1 comment:

xyloteka said...

nice loot, my friend.
i remember well those christmas day inventories of the holiday spoils.
regular 8 film (b&w) is still made and processed here in cz (not sure about the states). if you get your hands on a camera let me know and i'll send you some rolls. this year's xmas haul included a purple scarf, a book of 17th century alchemical engravings, and a little 21st century a/v: an ipod. happy new year, brother.