Friday, December 11, 2009

jingle bells, batman smells...

when i was small i used to play under our christmas tree. i’d roll my die-cast batmobile around the living room as i recreated those scenes in the t.v. show where after receiving an urgent call from commisioner gordon’s office at police headquarters, batman and robin left the undisclosed location of the batcave tearing through the outskirts of gotham city.
underneath the christmas tree was a small wooden church with that sprayed on glittering plaster that you can still find on old apartment ceilings with a lightbulb inside. but for me it served as gotham city police headquarters as the batmobile would again and again roll up and parallel park in front.
sometimes batman and robin would both get out, and go inside, sometimes robin would wait in the car. once i think they may have even towed the batboat as if making one last stop by the office before leaving town for the weekend.
the small plastic batman and robin always remained fixed in their seated position so that even when they got out of the car to fight the obligatory bad guy from my james bond car, who by the way had no legs but did have a gun, they were forced to fight in a crouching position.
once i thought my mom had sucked batman up into the vacuum cleaner and though i tearfully pleaded with her to look inside, emptying the vacuum bag on the kitchen floor and newspaper revealed nothing. a couple weeks later i was outside with my cousin and a large flock of birds flew over our heads. she told me whenever you saw a lot of birds together it was good luck and that if you made a wish it would come true. i wished that i could find my batman and then ran inside the house and into my room. i opened my sock drawer and there he was.

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