Wednesday, August 26, 2009


i love when a new business moves into an existing location, and instead of replacing the old sign frame, makes a budget concious decision to go ahead and make it work with the old one. this one used to be our old winchell's doughnut shop. i guess the new owners thought "why fight a good thing? we could spend all this money creating a new image and branding campaign and try and make inroads into the already super competitive doughnut market, or we could just make one subtle change and slip into people's subconciousness." i can just see people walking out of this place and thinking "hmmm, these doughnuts are terrific, but something seems different. winch-wow!" but then again maybe i'm wrong. maybe this was one of those happy accidents of fate where a struggling entrepreneur named harry winchauu suddenly found himself thrust between opportunity and success!

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