Monday, January 16, 2012

hangar one

i was sitting at my desk the other day, when i spotted this heading our way. so bizarre to see it coming out of the east. we never saw them when we lived up in sacramento. and it made me think about the glory days of the original airships. i wondered what it must have been like to be in a farm field somewhere in europe, and then to look up and see this giant silent monster bearing down on you.

this one belongs to the hangar one vodka people and has been on a 30+ city tour. the blimp is housed nearby and must have been heading back to home base the day i spotted it. i understand that they book flights back and forth between sf and la. how cool. i wonder what it would be like to float up there suspended in the sky...


Heather Rose-Chase said...

When I was a little girl, we'd spend Christmas or Thanksgiving with an aunt and uncle who lived in Carson, CA, right next to the Goodyear Blimp lot. One of my earliest childhood memories is being half asleep late at night as we got on the freeway to go home, only to see the blimp right next to us, coming in for a landing. My child's brain had no idea what it was, and could only assume that it was Noah's Ark, somehow found and rigged to fly through Los Angeles. In my adulthood we lived quite near it, and one night it flew over house, very low. I could hear it coming, and pulled four year old Nathan out of bed to stand in the backyard with me and watch it pass. The ropes hanging off of it were grazing the treetops. Nathan talks about that all the time. So glad we both have great childhood blimp memories!

mattb said...

that is a fantastic story!