Tuesday, November 22, 2011

penny saver

i saw this today while getting gas. i used to see them all the time, but they have since become rare. it's the old take a penny tray for folks who are paying exact change in cash and find they have come up a little short. it's also there for you to add to the "kitty" when you get change back. and sometimes they used to sport this little phrase as well - "have a penny, leave a penny, need a penny take a penny", which if you say out loud a few times, will really get stuck in your head.
i don't know why, but i like this simple idea very much. i suppose with less people using cash these days, it isn't as cool as it used to be, but i do very much like the idea of a kind of shared currency. kind of like do-gooders who feed parking meters when they see the meter maid rolling up. or the original idea of the white bicycle movement in the netherlands. although shared transportation gets a bit messier than free pennies. anyway, i like to add to the trough whenever i can.

1 comment:

  1. If only we realized who really owns our goods I think more of us would be willing to share them. "have a penny, leave a penny, need a penny take a penny" Love it.
