Monday, January 17, 2011


the ranks of the blogosphere are certainly swelling these days. and certainly no one has more time than they did in the past. from waking to sleeping our attention is being bartered with unending sources competing against each other. and yet, i don't know about you, but i really look forward to visiting some of these sites as part of a morning meditation or a break from the madness. a little sabbath in the day if you will.
and in that vein i have added a new cup of tea. my friend kyle, a long time supporter of the toastrobot has launched his own project under the thin guise of his alter ego "technicator". the parameters he has loosely set for himself are to document his daily travels (and mostly what he encounters on the short walk back and forth from work) and then share them with us with some artful tweaking. an example of the result is above. i'm really enjoying these daily offerings and invite you to take a look
here and offer some words of encouragement as well.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Thanks for the support buddy!!
