Monday, January 31, 2011

public seating 002

i'm a big fan of the library. i'm usually there at least once a week picking up new books, movies and music that i wouldn't otherwise have access to. and i have adapted more and more to the sensibility of being a "user" instead of an "owner". it has so many of the benefits, and so few of the drawbacks.
our local branch had been closed for the last few months while they relocated to their new site. the new branch just opened up and i stopped by the first day to check it out. it was a bit of a madhouse. as i stepped inside the place was filled with people milling around, exploring the new space. our old library was a fairly modest single story. this
new one is a two story, and there were groups of kids trying the elevator out, riding it up and down. none of the checkout computers were working correctly and the library staff was noticeably overwhelmed. people were walking through the newly installed retail style sensor detectors setting them off. the whole scene had a kind of comedic sense to it.

although many of the kinks still needed to be worked out, i was impressed by the size and design of our newest public building. it sort of felt like getting a new car. the paint is fresh, the carpet smells new, and all of the furniture is immaculate. as i made my way through the different sections, getting the lay of the land i suddenly came across a bench style seating area reminiscent of a diner booth with a high-back attachment. it seemed familiar, but i initially could not figure out why. then it hit me. i was looking at the bix-lounge piece designed by my great friend jess while he was still working at metro. so cool to see it up close and in person. i sat down and tried it out. it felt great. i would be absolutely ok working here all day.

and this gave me a thought. as i am an appreciator of beautifully designed modern furniture, an enthusiastic amateur if you will, and not a man of means i look for opportunities to try out some of my favorite pieces whenever there's a chance. but again in my case it's a matter of being a user rather than an owner. and so as opportunity, location and circumstance offer new chances at getting a little "seat time" in places of discovery, i shall share them. a kind of spot device for wonderful public seating areas.
i'm already looking forward to spending some extended reading time at the bix lounge on my next day off. sneak in a cup of coffee, and i really can't think of a finer way to spend a morning.

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