Wednesday, January 05, 2011

favorite things 12

as the years roll on it is comforting to look at an object again and again and be reminded of the passage of time. this zippo and i have been tramping around together going on 22 years now. it was a long ago gift from a friend in my youth. we both had one, his a version of the art deco 1937 model, and mine the traditional plain brushed. they were our totems, our magic, the source of the mighty element - fire!
as you can now see mine has fallen on hard times. recently on another brain dead trip to work on my bike this fell out of my riding jacket. (it a recent victim of road rash) as i pulled into the driveway at work i heard a sound like metal clinking, and only later did i realize when i went looking in the jacket what had happened. i immediately searched the entire area with no success. i was heartbroken. so many times over the years i had almost lost this thing and risked life and limb more than once getting it back when it was thought lost. and now it seemed it finally was. but all things must pass as the song says and i gradually accustomed myself to the passing of this old friend. but not before making a plea through prayer that it might somehow be returned.
the following day i went back to work on my day off to pick something up, and as i made the turn, there in front of me on the street was my zippo! i had combed the entire area the day before and it had not been there in this spot where it now lay. i stopped the bike, picked up the battered piece of metal, put it in my pocket, and this time closed the zipper. as beat up as it is i have no doubt it will be reborn again. as any devotee or one who has made some casual study well knows these little lanterns have a lifetime guarantee against the destruction and abuse life may bring. and so soon it will be off to bradford, pa and the legendary zippo repair unit for some attuned metallurgy and voila, my shiny friend will once again be beautiful. (incidentally, everything still works)

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