Tuesday, December 14, 2010

impossible update

i headed out of the house eagerly the other day, my land camera around my neck, hoping to find success shooting the first roll of my newly acquired film. i had already examined the camera for light leaks, a common problem apparently according to the message boards. i stopped at one of my favorite spots and began experimenting. unfortunately the above was my result.
as disheartening as it is, i realize the enterprise i am engaged in is a much different one than the point and shoot digital world we all have been inhabiting for some time now. this will require time and patience as i try and figure out where to go from here. but though discouraged, i am not yet ready to give up the ghost.
so, now begins the process of learning and re-learning and networking and possibly shelling out more of my hard earned cash to make it right again. ironic, that all this time has passed and will pass still before i am once again able to enjoy the merits of analog "instant" photography.

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