Wednesday, December 08, 2010

fully charged

i was doing an examination of my land cameras the other day to make sure there were no light leaks in the bellows, and as i opened one of them i re-discovered this little vintage flash battery. it's a 3 volt eveready that has the same connectors as a 9 volt. despite much research i have never been able to find a modern replacement. i bought a little conversion pack for 2 aa's to take its place some time ago but still haven't gotten around to it.
as i took another look at this guy i was struck by how much it looks like a tiny space capsule. and then i had a memory of finding objects like this as a kid and how easily they could become simple toys for the imagination. if i look hard enough i can map out the interior of this rocket in my mind. i may have even made intricate diagrams detailing the layout of the ship with multi-levels for bridge, engineering and living quarters for the crew.
so although my little battery is now spent, even showing corrosion at the base, it may become fully recycled and realized again in the imagination of deep space voyage.

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