Monday, November 22, 2010

go intello!

saturday we went to see our guys take part in their second year of fll competition. fll stands for first lego league which is a robotics competition where teams compete to accomplish different tasks using the lego mindstorms robot. each year's competition features a theme and this year's theme was bio-medical. the teams not only learn to program the robot but must also do research on the theme and come up with a project that fits the theme. my guys' chose to work on knee replacement. the robot tasks are also related to the biomedical theme as the robot had to attempt simulated bone setting, artery stint placement, medication sorting and bad blood cell detection.
last year was their first year and they learned a lot. and this year as the competition grew near it seemd their backs were against the wall in preparartion. on the day of the competition though they showed up. they took a second place award for robot design and first place in robot performance. and now they are heading to the second round of competition. so congratulations intellobricks. great job.

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