Monday, November 08, 2010

do you believe in the force?

after many weeks of wondering if anybody out there reads this thing, i finally got a comment yesterday on my star wars card giveaway. congratulations to xyloteka for bringing the love. and as promised a handful of vintage 1977 mixed batch star wars trading cards are on their way slowboat to you my friend! apparently there's at least one true believer out there.

1 comment:

  1. the slowboat has arrived. found the package waiting for me as i was leaving the house for a hike up krizova hora (cross hill). reaching the top, i brushed the snow off a bench which stands beside a 17th century church and looks down upon the ancient town. i sat down, opened the envelope, and beheld an artifact which transported me to the other side of the world and over 30 years into the past. a pack of star wars cards in the original wrapper! hermetically sealed with some cement-like substance, it took some time to open but once the wrapper was removed i thumbed through the hefty stack of cards one by one, moving through that magical spectrum: blue, red, yellow, green, orange. many fond childhood memories flooded back to me gazing at those bubble-gum-scent-infused cards. thanks for the time / space journey my friend. happy new year to you and your tribe.
