Wednesday, October 27, 2010

small houses 06

location: home
when you're a kid
there's nothing quite as fun as getting up on a weekend long before your parents wake, sneaking out to the living room with every sheet, blanket and pillow you can find and then building yourself a fort. it is something within us. a desire for shelter, even when already inside one. a distant connection to a time in the wilderness. to raise up and take down your tent. and inside our makeshift dwellings we would then feast on sugar cereal and entertain our guests to the wonderment of the saturday morning cartoon lineup.
and when you grow up, that feeling and desire don't go away. we make success out of the places we live in. and in reality we all came from one place. part of that cozy sense we get inside the fort transports us back to the safety of the womb, though we are closer now to the tomb. and the only thing that makes all of this even better is when the rain is pouring outside as it was this past weekend. the shelter. the reason.

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