Tuesday, September 21, 2010

small houses 05

location: church st., murphys, ca
up hwy 49 and through the beautiful gold country into angels camp, then up murphys grade road you will eventually find yourself on beautiful main street in downtown murphys. the town isn't that big and as the saying goes if you blink you may miss it. but miss it you should not. although it appears to have a sleepy facade there is always something going on here.
as a kid i would stop here with my best friend and his family on the way up to their cabin to have an ice cream cone, something i still do with my own family going home from her family's cabin. the town is one of many from the gold rush era that managed to stay alive through the 20th and into the 21st century. and although mark twain and most of the prospectors have departed, there's still gold here.
the little house pictured above is on church street directly behind main. i spotted it one afternoon on one of our ice-cream walks. it's an unassuming dwelling in a humble looking little town. and if you do find yourself driving through the gold country sometime, stop by and check it out and take a step back in time.

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