Thursday, August 26, 2010

little secret

while down in the bay area a few weeks back staying with a friend i absentmindedly left my belt behind. he called me immediately to let me know, but i figured i'd be back soon enough anyway. "how much do i really need a belt?" i thought. quite a bit as it turns out. sure, there were some pairs of pants and shorts that didn't require it, but i soon discovered that sans support i was quite limited in my fashion choices. (i mean you can't wear sweatpants everyday)
then i remembered in the back of one of my drawers hidden away was a pair of red suspenders. don't ask me how i got them. i'm pretty sure they were a Christmas gift one year from my mom, and may have even come with a matching bow tie, who knows. and i'm really not sure why i've kept them; until now. desperate to wear these shorts one day i strapped up and concealed the braces beneath my t-shirt. although i felt a little odd at first, i soon adapted to my new hosen. i can sympathize a bit with the ladies now and actually i really enjoyed not having that constricting feeling around the bottom of my stomach. and then while reading the sartorialist the other day i thought, "this ain't bad"
and then, out of the blue my old belt showed up again in the mail. my friend must have gotten tired of holding on to it for me. so you may be wondering, now that i have the choice am i still wearing the braces? alas, it turned out to be a summer fling. the red michael jackson suspenders have returned to the darkness of my dresser drawer. still, it's nice to know they're back there. like a reserve parachute, might need 'em again someday.

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