Tuesday, December 01, 2009

deck the halls...

so as we are now officially in the Christmas season, i wanted to share a little Christmas package. i don't know about you, but i can't get enough new Christmas music. even though from here until new year we'll all be hard pressed to get away from it, i'm ok with that. it's like a compressed time that when properly kept under wraps can be enjoyed without overdose. so this first pick is from a children's album called "the night before Christmas" it's an old peter pan 45 in our collection. definitely check out the track called "the Christmas tree that ran away". it fits well into the rudolph misfit toy category.

next up is another 45 i found in the collection of my wife's deceased aunt. i don't know the story here. it clearly looks like something you would have gotten from the chevrolet dealership back in the day. a real nice little gift. i can just see the showroom decorated for the holiday, salesmen in grey and brown suits on the make. "good afternoon sir, can i show you something? the new bel-air, or an impala convertible perhaps? no? well, then perhaps something for the wife. our little corvair makes a great runabout for in town driving and the gentlemen can enjoy it's sporty aspects on the weekend! no? well, let me at least give you one of our complimentary Christmas records. the featured artist is dinah shore. yes, that's right sir. merry Christmas to you too."

and finally, this is one i picked up at an in store reading of the book "olive the other reindeer". the author handed one out to all us kids. it's one of those flimsy plastic records they used to put in cereal boxes. it's recorded by one of the "johns" (can't remember which one) from they might be giants. anyhoo, if you like tmbg, it's a tough one to find. so there you have it, my little Christmas package. and who knows, maybe one or two more will find their way under the tree before december 25. so enjoy all this great music by clicking the link to download here.

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